Common Questions About Parent Classes in Houston

The late pediatrician & children’s development expert T. Berry Brazelton was known for his confidence in parents, saying frequently that all parents want to do right by their children. We know that, too, and offer classes about parenting for Houston parents, not because we think they don’t know what they’re doing, but instead because we know that they know their kids better than anyone else ever will. We love to teach parents all that we know about kids’ feelings, development, and how to connect with them in ways that work. Our favorite way to do that is in our parent classes.  You may be interested in learning more and have some questions about how a Houston parent class might work. We have some answers!

I work really hard at parenting. Why do I need a parent class?

Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we don’t have the tools that work for us and our kids. And the harder we work, the harder it can feel when we’re not successful--when our kids still throw tantrums, get in trouble with teachers, and won’t brush their teeth. You’re not doing it wrong, you just need some help honing your skills so you can work smarter, not harder.

What information will a parent class give me that I can’t get in books, blogs, or listening to podcasts?

Great question, and the honest answer is maybe none. The difference, though, is that mass media gives big, general advice that might or might now work for your family.  Our parent classes are purposefully kept small to give Houston parents the chance to have their questions answered, provide information tailored to their family’s situations, and teach them research-backed solutions. After many years of teaching the Child Parent Relationship Training curriculum that we use, we have yet to meet anyone who was parented in this way or who already parents using these skills.

How will a parent class that I take help my child’s behavior when they’re away from me? Don’t they just need firmer rules or their own therapy?

Adult common sense tells us that kids just need more reminders about the rules and how they should behave, but research tells us something different. Kids live in their hearts; their actions often spring from how they feel and what they believe, even if that’s different from what they’ve been taught. Our classes teach parents how to help their kids feel more understood, how to have higher self-esteem, and how to persevere in learning new things. Research in effectiveness of the curriculum we teach shows that children’s behavior problems decreased after their parents learned these skills, both at home and in other settings like school.

How can a Houston parent class improve my relationship with my child?

We know that parents want their kids’ childhoods to be full of great memories and to be a foundation for a lifetime of closeness with their parents. But the day-to-day demands of housework, homework, and everything that goes along with a busy household can eclipse those dreams of close times and happy memories. We teach you how to take back some of those minutes with quick techniques that help you and your little ones connect in a real way. It can feel odd at first, but building in those moments (sometimes to complete your parent class homework assignments) can give your children the message that they matter SO MUCH to you, and what feels better than that to them?

How much time do I have to devote to a Houston parenting class?

About two and quarter hours a week during our 10-week class, and about 45 minutes a week after that. We meet for 90 minutes once a week for 10 weeks, and you’ll need about 45 minutes outside of class to do your homework. Spoiler alert: the homework is fun, and you won’t be allowed to do any other chores or business tasks while you’re doing it!

Should my child’s other parent and/or caregivers take the class, too?

Ideally, YES. We know that consistency, especially in limit-setting, is best for kids and helps them improve their behavior the quickest. That’s why we give a big discount for two members of the same family participating in the class at the same time (this would work for co-parents, nannies, grandparents, guardians, you get the picture). We’ve seen all kinds of grownups improve their relationships with the kids in their lives by taking our class. All that said, if you can’t swing it for everyone to participate, we give you handouts and teach you simple skills that you can pass on to other important people in your child’s life, and we offer classes all year long, so maybe they can hop in when it’s more convenient.

How is this parent class different from others in Houston?

There are amazing professionals supporting parents in the Houston area, and we respect folks doing this work! Our approach doesn’t view kids as doing everything wrong, and we don’t think parents are not competent. We do think children deserve respect and know they need limits that are firm. We hit the middle ground--we help parents understand their kids, meet them where they are, all while teaching skills that give responsibility back to kids in complying with limits, following rules, and being more independent.

Where/how does this Houston parent class meet? What is it like?

Our 90-minute classes are scheduled online to make them as convenient as possible for parents to squeeze another thing into their busy days. We’ll email you your materials ahead of time so you’ll have them with you while we go over them. We combine teaching, discussion, Q&A, videos, and practice to give you lots of ways to learn the material and know how to apply it at home.

If you’ve read through the questions above and want to know more or to sign up, give us a call at (713) 936-0633. We’ll be happy to help you know if our parent class is the right fit for you, and if it’s not, we’ll have some ideas about how else we can help.


Questions to Ask About Parenting Classes in Houston


What to Expect from Parent Classes in Houston