Finding a Play Therapist in Houston

How to Find a Play Therapist in Houston

Finding a Play Therapist in Houston

 What do you do if your child needs a play therapist? Raising a family in Houston can give parents and kids amazing opportunities. We have good schools, strong communities, and loads of arts, religious, outdoor, and sports activities. But even though we have resources for them, sometimes our kids struggle and need therapy.  The nation’s fourth largest city is home to scores of professionals, and you need one who specializes in child counseling. When your little one is struggling, you’re worried, and sorting through all the lists can be overwhelming. How do you find a play therapist for your child?

When one of your kids needs child therapy, it can feel urgent to get them to the right counselor and hard to know where to look. The worry can make it even harder! You wish you didn’t even have to do this, and you’re not sure how to find the right Houston play therapist for your child.

Here are some ideas to help you find the right play therapist for your family:

  1. Ask your pediatrician. Most Houston pediatricians have a list of trusted therapists and practices they recommend, and if you ask, the right therapist will consult with your child’s doctor to keep them up to date on how therapy is going.

  2. Talk to your child’s school principal, counselor, or director. If your child is in the right school, the folks there will be eager to see them succeed. Most Houston school professionals know play therapists in the community and can give you referrals.

  3. Reach out to your own therapist. Counselors like to get their clients to other professionals who support their families. We network and are happy to pass on names and numbers of other Houston therapists who do different work.

  4. Check the Association for Play Therapy (APT) website. APT credentials child therapists who specialize in play therapy--they’re called Registered Play Therapists. It means they’ve done thousands of hours of play therapy, been supervised by experts, and have completed 150 hours of play therapy specific education. You can search for Houston play therapists on the APT website here.

  5. Ask a fellow parent or caregiver. One of the best things about Houston is the way we care for our families and each other, so your friend/neighbor/co-worker will probably be happy to tell you about the child therapy practice they found or point you to someone they know who has a great play therapist.

  6. Search online. Sites like Psychology Today offer “Find a Therapist” features, and there are many Houston counselors who list play therapy as a service they offer. You can also use a search engine like Google that can get you started with a list, letting you check out websites and learn more about the Houston child therapists you find.

You’ve got your list of Houston play therapists. What next?

  • Compare notes. See which child therapists in Houston are recommended by more than one trusted source.

  • Look at what play therapists say they focus on. Does it seem like a fit for what your child is going through?

  • Ask questions. Most Houston play therapy practices will offer you a free phone consultation or answer questions by email. Many child counselors have websites that talk about their therapy services, counselors, locations, and other things that matter to you. 

  • Set yourself up for success. If you can, find a child therapist close to home or school. Houston’s awesome, but rush hour is no joke and can add to your family’s stress if you’re trying to make it across town in time for your child’s therapy appointment.

  • Trust your gut. You know your child better than any therapist ever will. Go with the counselor you believe is the best fit for your child and your family.

We’re Here. Get a free Houston play therapy consultation.

We hope you’ve gotten some ideas that make sense in your search for a play therapist in Houston. If you want more information, call us at (713) 936-0633 and schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation. We love helping kids and parents find what they need, and if we’re not the right fit for your child’s play therapy, we can give you suggestions for someone who might be.


Is Play Therapy What You Need for Your Child?