How to Find a Parenting Class in Houston

These days, just about anything you need to know is available, just on the other side of a Google search. How to fix a faucet? Check out a YouTube video. What to say to an angry coworker? There’s probably an online article. Better ways for you to parent your own child? Trickier. Lots of general ideas can help, but sometimes you could use real education about how to improve your relationship with your child and feel like you have more solid parenting tools--ones you can learn and practice. Maybe a parenting class would be a good idea for you, but in a city the size of Houston, how do you find the right one? We get it, it’s hard.

Here are some ideas we hope will help.

Ask your child’s teacher, school counselor, or administrator.

These education professionals are usually in the know about Houston sources for parent education, they may know about parenting classes they or other parents have taken. They probably also know how much difference the classes have made in a family’s life, because they can usually pick up on clues when kids and parents are struggling, and when things get better.

Talk to your friends and neighbors.

People who know you and your kids well might be a great source for a parenting class that would work for you. Your network can stretch far beyond you--tap in and find out what others know.

Try an online search.

Although Google searches might not give you the tools that work for your individual situation, an online search may yield ideas for parent education in Houston. You can find options that work for your location, schedule, or budget, check out websites, and even contact parenting class providers to ask questions--all at your fingertips.

Talk to other professionals, especially those in your kids’ lives.

School personnel are not the only professionals who know you and your children. Coaches, tutors, church educators, and therapists might have ideas about parenting classes that could help you gain additional skills.

Ask your child’s pediatrician or other health professionals.

These providers want the best for their patients, and typically keep a list of trusted professionals they refer to, including parenting class educators. They can give you ideas about how to make your family run smoothly, and a parenting class may be the resource you need. 

When you get some ideas about the kind of parenting class you think would help, reach out to those professionals. You can ask questions, find out how things work, and decide about how to move forward. 

If you’re wondering more about parenting classes, we’re happy to answer any questions you have! We love parent education at our practice, and see amazing results with every parent class we graduate. The community of parents seeing that theirs is not the only family who struggles and knowing that they understand more about parenting tools they can use immediately to improve their relationship with their children is, hands down, one of our absolute favorite things about our work.


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