How to Tell If Your Child Needs Play Therapy

Houston schools have been closed for several weeks now and summer camps and plans are canceling rapidly. Parents are working from home, are unemployed or fearing that they will be, all while trying to keep their kids happy, healthy, and educated besides. It can feel like a pressure cooker, and our moods and stress levels are showing the effects.

Just because your kid is misbehaving, protesting school, is sad, fighting with siblings, and having trouble in general doesn’t mean they need play therapy. They’re doing their best to adjust to a REALLY hard situation--we all are. So how do you know when to call a play therapist in Houston?

Here are a few ideas.

  1. First, if your child’s behavior has changed in a really drastic way, you should consider getting help. You know your child better than anyone, and if it’s not like them at all to be consistently angry over the tiniest thing, then you know they’re struggling more than they typically do. It’s important to trust your gut about your child, even if their behavior is “normal” for other families.

  2. Second, if your kid’s difficulties are interfering with their or your ability to function in everyday life (even though it feels like anything but normal these days!), think about how they might need some help. We all have struggles, but usually they can be overcome with a reasonable amount of time and energy. When you don’t even want to bring up going for a family walk because you know your child will throw a huge tantrum about putting some shoes on, that may be a sign that things are out of balance.

  3. Third— Have they regressed in areas like toileting or sleeping? It’s not uncommon, especially right now, for children to be having nightmares, for example. But if your previously hard sleeper, who you could rely on sacking out for nine hours at a minimum, suddenly starts protesting going to bed or gets up multiple times most nights, consider talking to a child counselor. It might be a sign they’re really struggling and can’t work it out for themselves.

  4. Fourth, if your family is feeling seriously off-balance and stressed, family therapy might be something to consider. We’re not all communicating and reacting well now, and behaviors like aggression (verbal, physical and emotional) can rear their ugly heads. If you’re feeling like your relationships are getting seriously strained, you’re probably right. Strain can persist, and it’s important to take a look at what you can do before you get into bad habits.

It can be so hard as a parent to know what’s normal and what’s not and the truth is, there’s a wide range of behaviors that work for kids. However, when you know that something is really different and distressing for your child, there is something you can do to help. Play therapists and family counselors in Houston are here for you. Many practices have gone online and are even providing play therapy via telehealth appointments.

If you wonder about your own child or know someone who’s struggling, reach out!

A good play therapist can listen and give you ideas about whether some therapy might help.
You can call us to schedule a free phone consultation at 713-936-0633.


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