Tips for Finding a Family Therapist in Houston

Houstonians are strong. We pull together to get through hurricanes, floods, traffic jams and even pandemics. But sometimes even tough families need some support, and in a city the size of Houston, it can be hard to know how to find the right family therapist for your household.

Here are some tips to help you find a family counselor in Houston:

  1. Which members of your family would benefit from family therapy?

    Maybe there are stressors amongst all of you, or you’re all going through a difficult time together, so being together in family therapy would be helpful. Maybe a parent and child would benefit from time in family therapy to work out some difficulties. Knowing who in your family will go to family therapy together can help you know what kind of family therapist is best for you. Houston has great family therapists, and some professionals offer family play therapy, so even really young children can participate fully in the family counseling session.

  2. Ask Houston professionals who you trust for family therapist recommendations.

    Your doctor, pediatrician, family lawyer, or any other professional you trust and who keeps matters confidential would be a good source. Houston is a great networking town, and many professionals know one another, even if they’re in different industries.

  3. Other Houston therapists can be resources, even if they don’t do family therapy in their practices. 

    Psychotherapists commonly refer to other counselors if they’re not the right fit for the person seeking services, and usually have a number of ideas about who you could contact for family therapy.

  4. Ask your Houston friends, neighbors, or family for referrals for a family therapist. 

    People you trust and who know you are likely to have a good idea of the kind of family counselor that would be helpful for your family.

  5. Use the internet. 

    You can search using the terms you’re looking for (like “Houston family therapy”) and get some ideas. You can also directly search for information on the names you’ve compiled so far. Lots of Houston family therapists have websites--you can check out the information there and gauge if you like what you see. There also are directories that can help you find the right therapist, like Psychology Today,, or

  6. Try to get more than one referral and talk to them before you decide.

    Many Houston family therapists offer a phone or email consultation to give you a chance to see if you think they’ll be a good fit for your family.

We’re Here to Answer More Questions about Finding a Family Therapist in Houston

We hope these ideas have given you a good start on your search for the right Houston family counselor for you. If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call us at 713-936-0633 for a free 15-minute phone consultation. We’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with family play therapy, you can read more about how I can help here.


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